What are the Active Learning strategies in FMGE Preparation?
The Active Learning strategies in FMGE Preparation are the discussion & tests practice that aid to crack the FMGE 2022 with ease.
Cone of Experience:
Also known as the Learning Pyramid developed by the American educator Edgar Dalein the 1940s/50s divides the learning or teaching into active (participatory) & passive depending on the involvement of the students & % of the retention.
Active vs Passive learning;
Passive learning:
Active learning:
Students are responsible for absorbing the information on their own terms presented in the form of lectures or assigned readings or AV modules.
Students engage with the lesson process through the use of relevant activities to stimulate and reinforce the student’s conceptual understanding of course material.
Conventional lectures
AV modules
Reading the materials
Practice tests
Teach others
Presents a variety of information & fast.
Concrete and organized presentation of the material.
Materials to be pre-planned and reused.
Gives the teacher more control over course delivery.
Increases critical thinking.
Students’ comprehension can be assessed with frequent feedback.
Students play a larger role.
Increases student’s attention/concentration.
Stimulates discussions.
less involvement of the students.
Boring or unrelatable.
Difficult to assess the student ‘s comprehension.
Misunderstandings are common.
Need more flexible lesson plans.
Limit the amount of material that can be presented at once.
Create the potential for distractions if not monitored.
Deep processing vs shallow processing: Active learning is associated with deep processing which leads to better long-term memory than shallow processing seen in the passive learning according to levels of processing theory proposed by researchers in Cognitive psychology in the 1970’s.
A futuristic vision of what learning might look like in the year 2000 by the French artist Villemard in 1910: The teacher puts the books into the machine, which then grinds them up and pipes them directly into the heads of the kids, presumably in perfect “personalized” chunks so that each student receives exactly the information they need when they need it based upon some adaptive quiz.
Active Learning by Discussion during FMGE preparation:
1.Use of FMGE Study group or Partner:
Studying alone may give you the illusion of covering a great deal of material in a short amount of time.
It’s advised to study with a partner or study group (optimally4-5 members) or active discussion forum after you have studied alone.
Augment your study-alone time with at least twice-weekly sessions with a study partner or study group or active discussion forum.
Your study partner should be unlike you in learning style to achieve the most comprehensive coverage (Refer to the educational psychology of learning styles).
Uses of partner or study group (optimally4-5 members) or active discussion forum:
The solitary study will allow your knowledge gaps to go unnoticed therefore a partner or group can plug your knowledge gaps.
Cut your work time in half, if you study with a reliable colleague.
2. Important regulations of active discussions during the FMGE preparation:
Establish Structure: Numbers should be limited to 5 with complimentary type.
Agenda: decide in advance of the group meeting on a realistic, achievable agenda, and must stick to that agenda.
Frequency, Time, and Place: twice-weekly & two-hour sessions (place & time should be fixed).
Leadership: appoint a rotating convener to keep the group on target during the study session.
Content: must be agreed upon before the meeting & each member should take responsibility for bringing specific text etc
Accountability: specific tasks to perform, attendance, punctuality, and confidentiality must be made explicit & accountable.
Transcribing notes: rotating or permanent scribe should keep notes of the discussion (photocopied & distributed to all group members within 24 hours).
Emotional climate: All suggestions and contributions must be appreciated.
Reveal Your Weaknesses: to overcome your deficiencies & master your shortcomings.
Strictly follow group rules.
Do not choose your buddies with whom you socialize for the discussion (more professional and less personal you can keep the group, the better).
Don’t allow yourself or any member of the group to attend unprepared.
Don’t allow group meetings to become rap sessions.
Don’t allow yourself or anyone else to break the rules.
Don’t allow complaining to take up group time.
Do not allow negative comments.
Do not allow anyone to monopolize the group’s time.
Active Learning by Practice Tests for FMGE 2022
1. Why do we have to practice tests for cracking FMGE/MCI exam?
Diagnose your competence (strengths and weaknesses): after an initial reading of a subject, take practice exams to cope up with the Illusion of Competence (you will not be able to know how much you have learned during the FMGE preparation without practicing).
To maximize your efficiency of FMGE preparation (70/20/10 Model of Lombardo and Eichinger).
To practice time management (speed) in FMGE.
To improve accuracy & increase the confidence level in FMGE.
To desensitize the exam anxiety (increase the familiarity with the online platform) in FMGE.
2. Test-taking performance analysis during the FMGE preparation:
Tests help you discover your strengths & weaknesses therefore they reveal what you need to review.
Use the wrong answers as diagnostic guides:
Why it is you missed a particular question? (Wrong answers are opportunities for increased learning).
Appreciate your strengths, and identify your weaknesses so you can fill the gaps in your knowledge.