Medical Psychology syllabus in China
- Medical Psychology refers to a behavioral science that deals with the application of
psychology in medicine.
Course Description:
- This subject concerns two fields. First, it provides the basic knowledge of psychology for students, which covers mental process, personality, psychological development of
human beings, and assessment. - Second, it focuses on the views on the relationship between mental factors and diseases, the impact of special psychological and social factors on health, the relationship of the medical doctor with their patients, psychotherapy and counseling, which involves clinical psychology, and health psychology.
- At present, Medical Psychology is required at medical colleges or universities in China.
Teaching methods
- Using SQ3R, A Reading and Study Skill System,
- SURVEY- Determine the structure or organization of the chapter, gather the information necessary to focus, and formulate goals.
- QUESTION- Turn each heading and subheading into a question; help your mind engage and concentrate.
- READ- Read selectively, fill in the information around the mental structures you’ve been building.
- RECITE- Answer the question in your own words, retrain your mind to concentrate and learn as it reads.
- REVIEW-Refines your mental organization and begins building memory.
Teaching hours distribution
Contents | Teaching Hours |
Introduction | 2 |
Psychology | 2 |
Mental process | 6 |
Personality | 4 |
Behavior in health and illness with | 8 |
Psychological diagnosis | 4 |
Psychotherapy and counseling | 4 |
Scan psychology | 2 |
The patient, the relationship between doctor and patients | 4 |
Total | 36 |
Examination pattern & marks distribution
- Examination pattern
- Fill in the blanks, match the short sentences according to the psychological meaning multiple-choice and short-answer
- Marks distribution
- Attendance and regular tests: 20-30%
- The middle and final examinations: 70-80%
Sample Exam Questions
- Dennis Coon, Introduction to Psychology, West Publishing Company, 1995
- Anne Anastasi, Psychology Testing, Prentice Hall Inc, 1997
- Barbara G. Melamed, Karen A. Matthews, Donald K. Routh, et al. Child Health Psychology, New Jersey Hove and London: Hillsdale, 1988
- Andrew Baum, Tracey Revenson, Jerome Singer, Handbook of Health Psychology, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., 2001
- Jane Ogden. Health Psychology, 2nd Edition, Buckingham: Open University Press, 2000
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