Study tricks increase the efficiency of reading & comprehension:
- Narrow your focus: Tackle a manageable amount of material (Try to avoid global statements like I need to study anatomy) & Stay with one topic for at least an hour or an hour and a half.
- Complete the manageable subject segment or number of pages designated→ shift from this topic to a related one.
- Once you have complete this→ take a break → change to a completely unrelated subject.
- Sandwich trick: Sandwich subjects you dislike between two slices of those that you enjoy.
- When you feel bogged down: intersperse subjects you find difficult with comfortable, familiar, and somehow related ones.
- Tackle difficult areas when you are refreshed/when your energy level is low
- Alternate a process related course (like biochemistry)→ take a break→ tackle a physical object course (anatomy).
- Treat yourself with your favorite subjects: only when you finish a weaker/ troublesome one,
How to choose related subjects to increase efficiency & decrease the time duration of the preparation?
- Anatomy→ Orthopedics → Radiology→Surgery
- Physiology→ Pathology → Pharmacology→Medicine
- Microbiology → PSM
- Biochemistry → Pediatrics → Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Forensic medicine → Psychiatry
- ENT → Opthalmology
- Skin → Anesthesia