Sitting for long periods of time during the FMGE Preparation is a difficult task due to a number of reasons.
It’s Impossible to focus on your task for a long time because your focus tends to be fade away with the time, therefore, working in short bursts of time can help to improve your focus on a set task with guilt-free breaks during the FMGE preparation.
Scientific background of why your focus tends to be fade away with the time :
Sitting for long periods of time can slow down your circulation which leads to poor focus.
Isolation from the world can increase anxiety & make you fatigued.
Focussed learning: Brain has a capacity for focussed learning therefore working in short bursts of time can help to improve your focus on a set task with breaks.
Time management with Pomodoro Technique (six steps):
Working in short bursts of time can help to improve your attention on a set task.
This time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s.
One of the best ways to increase the quality of your work sessions and save yourself time in the long run.
Regular breaks are taken, aiding assimilation.
Decide on the task to be done.
Set the Pomodoro timer (traditionally to 25 minutes)
Work on the task.
End the work when the timer rings and put a checkmark on a piece of paper.
Take a short break (3–5 minutes), then go to step 2.
After four Pomodoro, take a longer break (15–30 minutes).
Reset your checkmark count to zero, then go to step
After task completion, any time remaining in the Pomodoro is devoted to over-learning.
How to take a guilt free study break in FMGE preparation?
Move Away From Your Workspace:
Sticking to a fixed space can increase anxiety & make you fatigued.
You keep your relaxing time separate from your work and more enjoyable!.
Get away from your study zone for a quick walk or quick hit of exercise.
Get Human Contact: It’s not good to be isolated for long periods of time. Try and get as much human contact to keep your mental health sound (face-to-face chat is best, phone call, or a bit of time on your group chat).
Get Active:
Your blood circulation starts to slow pool up in your lower extremities when you sit still for longs periods of time which will slow down the blood supply to the brain & ultimately reduce your brain’s ability to stay focused.
Schedule your breaks with stand up, stretch (ideally you should stretch about 1-2 minutes every 45 min) and walk around. You’ll be amazed to know how much they can do to make you feel positive.
Environmental reinstatement effect: location you in are or activities you do can act as a prompt for past memories to aid in recall during the exam (simply stretching during studying & then during the exam could assist in prompting memories).
Reward yourself with Something You Enjoy:
Engage in something which makes you feel restored.
Keep it in moderation not to linger around too much to waste your time (Facebook or playing videogames).
Reward yourself with Something to Eat and Drink:
Keep yourself well-fed and hydrated when you’re working to fuel the energy to maintain your focus.
Your mind quickly starts to wander when you are hungry.
Eat and drink the right things to keep yourself focused for longer periods.
Take protein-rich snacks (avoid too much of sugar).
Avoid Napping:
Try and resist this urge/temptation of sleeping especially after a long day of revision
Complications of sleeping untime:
You might oversleep and lose hours for a break.
Feeling groggy for the rest of the day.
Disturb your sleep at night.
Stick to Your Schedule:
Do not exceed your scheduled break (10-15 min) to turn into an entire afternoon of time off.
Allow yourself the time you need however resist the urge to treat yourself to “just one more minute”.